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  • Invite people to the university and share link

    Send email invites to people to allow access to the contents of the university or allow access to profiles on allowed domains only.

    Go to People.

    The people tab in AdaptiveU showing a name list of students along with their pictures and email addresses.

    Click Invite People.

    The invite people button in AdaptiveU

    Enter one or multiple email addresses separated by commas.

    The invite people setting in AdaptiveU with email addresses entered and the next button is highlighted to be clicked.

    Then click Next.

    The invite people setting in AdaptiveU with email addresses entered and the next button is highlighted to be clicked.

    Here you can set access (user or admin) to each of the recipients.

    The settings showing edit user access in adaptiveU with the dropdown options admin and user

    Click Invite.

    The invite button in AdaptiveU invite people settings

    Share Link

    Click the Share link tab to access university sharing settings, then choose one of the options.

    The share link tab in AdaptiveU invite people settings The copy button under share your university link with the link present next to it.

    Anyone can join: - Click this button to allow access for anyone to join your university. Use the COPY button to copy the link to your clipboard and share.

    People with a particular domain: - Click this button to allow access to particular domains only. In the add your domain box, add one or more domain names separated by commas to access this university, then click Save.

    AdaptiveU invite people settings for people with particular domain. AdaptiveU invite people settings to add your domain The save button in AdaptiveU invite people settings.

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