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  • Edit a course in AdaptiveU

    Edit a course’s contents by adding lessons or steps, deleting, or modifying them. You can also reorder the lessons and steps in a course in the edit-mode.

    Edit a course

    Go to Courses


    Hover or mouse-over a course. Click the three-dots button, then click Edit to open the course in edit-mode.


    Edit lesson and steps

    You can make changes to any lesson or step in the course by clicking on it.


    Rename a course

    You can also update the course name in the course field. Then click anywhere outside the field to rename the course name.


    Rename lesson and steps

    You can rename a lesson and step field by clicking the three-dots icon adjacent to a lesson or a step.

    edit-lesson rename-lesson edit-step rename-step

    Reorder lesson

    Click and hold a lesson. Then drag it up or down and drop to reorder it.

    reorder-lesson place-lesson

    Reorder step

    Click and hold a step. Then drag it up or down and drop to reorder it.

    reorder-step place-step

    Any changes made to the lessons or steps in the course will be published instantly.

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